How You Can Start Stretching Your Own Screens Right Now!

Ah screens, probably the most vital part to what we do as printers. These magical things are what give us the ability to lay down cool images in quick concession day after day, without them we would be screwed. One of their only downfalls is they inevitably break, and 9 out of 10 times it’s the mesh that gives out (and it always seems to happen at the worst possible time, you ever notice that? The little bastards plan it I swear).

For most of us, our only option for this is to cut the mesh out, send the fames off somewhere, and have them re-meshed. A lot of people have the convenience of being close to somewhere that provides this service, and then there are people like me who are not. For us, the option of shipping a pile of frames somewhere is a huge pain in the ass and it’s also expensive. It’s just easier to buy new complete screens and toss those old frames.

Well those days are over! In comes the Nortech Graphics Eco Frame. This is a modular screen frame that has a few cool tricks that allow us to quickly and easily replace only the mesh panel when needed, and anyone can do it! All you need is their frame, a pack of panels and the stretching tool and you can get a pile of screens ready to go in minutes.

Ryonet was super cool to me and fired over one of the complete starter sets for me to put to the test. I’ll just be honest, I fell in love with these things instantly. Putting them together is pretty easy and really satisfying when you feel that “click” of the mesh rails, I wish I had more just for that. They are super high tension which means they will hold the best detail and wet on wet printing should be a breeze. And replacing the panels when they break is also just as easy, I would know because I was a dumb shit and broke one as you’ll see in the video.

They also give you the ability to keep a lower screen inventory, which is something all of the small shops can rejoice about because we’re all using every square inch of space we can find. The mesh panels come in all kinds of mesh counts and mesh types, so you can just swap panels as needed depending on your work flow week to week. I went with the Saati Hi-Dro mesh panels in mine since I’ve yet to try thin thread, I’m pretty sure thats all I’ll be using from now on because the difference in the print was huge as you’ll see.

My overall impression of these things is pretty straight forward….Ryonet, I need a lot more. Take my money.

Check out the New Eco Frames Here:

Starter Kit:

Single Frame:

Mesh Panels:


Step By Step Custom Type Design In Adobe Illustrator


Can This Thing Improve My Prints?