This Embroidery machine is Amazing! Tajima tmez first impression

When I started with embroidery 2 years ago, I really was not impressed. Non stop thread breaks, needle breaks, throwing away more garments than I kept. It got so bad for me that I just said “fuck it” and never turned that machine on again. As my business progressed I knew that I would have to take another look at embroidery eventually because I got more and more requests for it, and if you aren’t scaling up you’re staying stagnant. Stagnance is how businesses die in this industry in my opinion.

Around last year I began talking to a fellow Canadian company called RB Digital. Zack and the team over there were adamant that they could change my feelings about embroidery with the newest Tajima machine, the TMEZ. After a bit of research I started to see that both of these companies had the potential to do what they say they could. So I agreed to get the single head in here and away we went.

The install was insanely thorough. The whole time I knew they were going to leave no stone unturned because of my previous experience, I really appreciated that. The second the machine switched on I was impressed. It was so quiet! Embroidery machines can be pretty loud, my last one sounded like an old ass diesel tractor idling and doing a trace made it sound like it was going to shake itself apart. The Tajima, completely silent trace and quiet enough to have a conversation beside while it was running. But what really matters at the end of the day is what it can do once it’s time to lay down stitches.

Hats are the main focus for me being a screen printer. Most of the time is we have something flat we would opt to printing it rather than embroidery, but screen printing and hats don’t mix well. When it comes to embroidery, hats used to be my nemesis, now they’re my best friend. The Tajima breezed through all of the designs I threw at it in those first few days with deadly accuracy and repeatable results. And the best part, not a single thread or needle break along the way. In fact, I’ve been running this machine 8 hours a day for a few weeks now with no needle breaks and only had a few thread breaks with the notoriously difficult metallic thread. Regular stuff, not a single break yet. Fucking incredible.

Once I put some more time in on this machine I’ll be doing a deep dive review, but for now I can say that I’m extremely happy with it and can see embroidery becoming a bigger part of what I have going on here. I also plan to make a lot of content with this machine as I learn embroidery, really excited for that. The embroidery game on there is kind of lacking to say the least. I have a new goal to fix that.

If this machine looks right for you, I definitely recommend getting in touch with RB Digital. They’ve been great to me so far and if you mention I sent you, they’re going to hook up $500 worth of thread and consumables with your machine!


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